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31_Marilyn_Monroe_4, short newsreel bio of Marilyn.throwing kisses to camera, fans, Arthur miller, death, coroner, film clips seven year itch, skirt blown up, gentlemen prefer blondes, Marilyn on stage in Korea, Marilyn with joe DiMaggio, Marilyn waving
A detailed scientific explanation of the structure of the human eye. Descriptions of how light waves are refracted by the lens of the eye and focused on the retina. Visuals of lens position and changes in curvature, monocular and binocular, the retina, and more.
LIKE HAVING NEW EYES blind, cane, braille, typing, electronic engineers, light waves, sound waves, ultrasonic waves, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, braille emboss, blind news printer, touch,speech , reading machine, electronic aids, laser cane,