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The Jack Benny Program 5-23-1954. Bob Hope steals Jack's pants from his dressing room so that Bob can do the monologue instead. Jack comes out wearing Don's oversized pants and Don comes out wearing Jack's small pants. Jack and Bob are explorers in Africa who are attacked by cannibals and thrown into a huge stew pot. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis run in to help cannibals with a match.
The Picnic Panic directed by Burt Gillett produced by Van Beuren Studios 1935. On a rainy day three kids are entertained by cartoon coffee pot who tells them the story of how his family went on a picnic and it was almost ruined by a cow.
New_England_Lobster_Footage_Live_Chef_Restaurant_Train.VS Diners eating at New England-style restaurants, Wipe to lobster pot being pulled out of water, VS lobsters being pulled from pot, Chef puts lobster into broiler, CU trays with hands eating and shaking salt, VS diners in railroad car],LS streamlined New Haven RR engine on curve, VS interiors of passenger cars, VS POVs from railroad window, showing countryside,
During a murder investigation, Casey arrests a drug-addicted young woman who has lost her memory after an all-night pot party.