September 11 2001 Attack on World Trade Center The Reaction

Headline September 11 2001 Attack on World Trade Center The Reaction
Clip Code CI_20010915_013000_5
Length 00:03:05
Description Footage of 9.11.2001 Attack on World Trade Center, The Reaction and how America changed
Keywords terrorism headline newspaper people react crying watch tv Atlanta airport closed signs emergency airport planes landing cell phones passengers travel traffic evacuations shut down war malls store gate theme park Magic Kingdom Walt Disney World school hugging classroom attack David McCullough George Washington University Hospital police Florida Washington DC news Sept 11 2001 911 departure students react 9.11.2021
Resolution: SD
Width: 480
Height: 720
Decades: 2000s
Years: 2001
Offline Master: ProRes 422 HQ Master available for offline delivery
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